
For access control with various outputs
Fast reading speed
High detection rate
Strong compatibility


Physical properties
Dimensions132 × 88 × 21 mm
Window size60 × 56 mm
DisplayRed, green, blue, white
Imaging sensor300,000 pixel CMOS sensor
Maximum resolution640*480
MaterialIntegrated PC & tempered glass
Performance features
OSWindows (XP, 7, 8, 10)
Depth of field15.9 mm ~ 75.68 mm (QRCODE 15 mil)
Field of viewHorizontal 72.4°
Vertical 54,2° FOV 84,8°
(70 characters 15milQR)
RFID13.56 MHz
User environment
Reading accuracy>7 mil
Reading speed100 ms average,
continuous reading
Reading directionInclination ±59.5°, rotation ±360°, bending ±63.5°
(70 character 15milQR)
MethodReads UID, reads the range from M1 card
Distance<5 cm
TypISO 14443A, ISO 15693
Code typesQR, PDF417, CODE39, CODE93, CODE128, ISBN10, ITF, EAN13 etc.
Output interfaceRS485, Wiegand, Ethernet, Relay
Installation methodWall mounting


The access reader ID IDENT 4000 reads barcodes from mobile phone screens and printed barcodes.

The ID IDENT 4000 combines QR/barcode and RFID technology in one device, providing fast reading speed, high detection rate, and strong compatibility.

Our ID IDENT 4000 is a specially developed product for access control with various outputs. It supports Wiegand and RS485 and can be connected to traditional access controllers. It also supports Ethernet output interface with a built-in relay module.

Application areas

The ID IDENT 4000 is a fast and reliable access reader for businesses that combines QR/Barcode and RFID technology into one device. With high detection rate and compatibility, it reads barcodes from mobile screens as well as printed barcodes, enabling efficient access control in corporate buildings.

Our ID IDENT 4000 is a versatile solution for everyday use in businesses. Whether it’s employee IDsvisitor passes, or supplier codes, it quickly and reliably captures all relevant information. With the ID IDENT 4000, companies have a powerful tool for a smooth and secure working environment.

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